Many people begin the job search enthusiastic about the possibilities ahead. But when they don’t get a role they wanted or if the process goes on longer than intended, they feel deflated and less confident with each interview.
Exuding a positive attitude and confidence is essential when looking for a job and will determine your outcome. Whether you’re embarking on a search for a new role or have been on the job hunt for a while, the following tips can help you feel more ease and less effort.
Prepare your CV & pitch
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” -Benjamin Franklin
Like anything else in life, you’ll be more relaxed and confident when you’ve prepared for the job at hand. Hannah Simpson, recruitment consultant for Ignite in Sydney, says preparation is about making sure you have a complete CV, clear pitch and focused approach. She advises candidates to take the following steps:
• Strengthen your CV: “Your CV is an extension of you. It needs to be consistent and complete. If you’re missing details about your experience and skills you could be missing your next opportunity.”
• Create a pitch: “You should be able to briefly and clearly explain what you’re looking for and how you can benefit employers.”
• Focus your search: “Make a list of the industries and organisations you’re interested in and proactively reach out to introduce yourself to internal contacts and recruiters.”
“If you look great on paper, sound crisp when introducing yourself and know what you’re after, you’ll be more prepared than most job seekers out there,” says Simpson.
Focus on the benefits of the journey
“Happiness is a journey, not a destination…So treasure every moment you have.” – Alfred D. Souza
Many people view a job search as something to get through before you can relax and enjoy life. But as the writer and philosopher Alfred D. Souza discovered life is full of obstacles and there’s no sense in delaying happiness. Enjoying the job search journey will require you to change your perspective and see the benefits of the search itself, namely to explore and learn.
• Get up to speed on trends: To be your best in interviews you’ll need to brush up on industry and trade trends, which will boost your professional confidence.
• Explore organisations: The mere act of applying for jobs exposes you to a variety of organisations, educating you about the marketplace and possibilities.
• Learning about yourself: When you mentally “try on” new positions, potential bosses and companies, you become clearer about what you desire from a role and a company.
“The job search is an opportunity to grow as a professional,” says Simpson. “I encourage candidates to accept interviews even when they believe the role isn’t a perfect fit so they can practice interviewing and learn from the feedback interviewers provide.”
Embrace non-attachment
“Attachment is the origin, the root of suffering; hence it is the cause of suffering.” – Dali Lama
Being detached from the outcome doesn’t mean that you don’t care or are non-emotional. It simply means you choose to not get entangled in the fleeting feelings and thoughts that come along with the process of landing a role. It means you choose to be empowered and joyful regardless of what happens in your search, during interviews and afterwards. Practicing non-attachment means:
• You don’t allow other people’s words and actions to influence the way you feel.
• You remain in the present moment, unconcerned about “what will happen.”
• You release the need to control situations and trust that your needs will be met.
“Interviewing is a two-way street. If it’s a fit for both of you, great. If not, know that there’s a role that’s a better match waiting for you,” says Simpson. “If you’ve prepared and go in with the intention of learning whether you want to work for the company and manager, you can relax and enjoy the interview.”
Ready to search for a new role with ease? Ignite has job openings throughout Australia: Take a look here.
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