Leading the way in recruiting

Our Leaders

Board of Directors

Cameron Judson

Cameron Judson

Executive Director

Cameron Judson is a highly respected senior executive with extensive experience in the recruitment industry, including the CEO and managing director at a publicly-listed recruitment agency.

Additionally, he held notable executive-level roles within the employment services, software, education, logistics, community services and real estate sectors.
As a member of the Australia Institute of Company Directors, Cameron provides exceptional strategic direction and leadership on change management, growth, culture, operations, stakeholder management and more.

Garry Sladden

Garry Sladden

Independent Non-Executive Chair

Garry is a business and strategic adviser who has a diversified business background in the areas of real estate, private equity, business operations, banking and finance, and equity raising. He was General Manager Operations at Consolidated Press Holdings for six years.

During the last three years Garry has not been a director of any other listed company. Garry is currently Chairperson of Star Car Wash Cafe Holdings Pty Ltd.

Garry is Chairperson of the Board and a member of the Board Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee and Chairperson of the Board Remuneration and Nomination Committee.

Jennifer Elliott

Jennifer Elliott

Independent Non-Executive Director

Jennifer Elliott has broad experience across senior executive roles in financial services, with a particular focus on strategic planning, risk and compliance, joint ventures in Asia and global human resources.

During a 20-year career with Moody’s Corporation, Jennifer held a variety of analytic and management roles, including over five years as head of Moody’s Investors Service Asian business and also several years as their chief human resources officer. She holds a Master of Asian Business Studies from SOAS, University of London, and arts and law degrees from the University of Sydney.

Currently, she sits on several boards as an independent non-executive director, including not-for-profit entities.

Jennifer is Chair of the Board Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee and a member of the Board Remuneration and Nomination Committee.


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